Q&A Alina Baltaru-Agud,
CEO infinilink: about Interlink Banat/infinilink and future plans

“infinilink” expresses unlimited connectivity and continuous innovation.
Who is Interlink Banat / infinilink and how has it grown over the years?
Interlink Banat and infinilink have a long and interesting history dating back approximately 15 years.
We started by developing CATV and internet networks for residential customers in cities across western Romania (Timișoara, Sânnicolau Mare, Jimbolia, and others); then the residential customer portfolio was acquired by RCS-RDS in 2013.
We continued as an internet service provider for B2B, offering reliable and high-speed connections to companies in western Romania. As the market evolved, Interlink Banat diversified its services into ICT and cybersecurity. As a result of this evolution, in 2023, Interlink Banat transformed into infinilink.
What is the recipe for Interlink Banat / infinilink’s success and longevity?
Personally, I believe the results come from the special mix of team and technical infrastructure.
Starting in 2009, we developed our own fiber optic network in Timișoara. Then we established interconnections with Tier 1 operators that provide us access to major international nodes such as DE-CIX / Deutsche Commercial Internet Exchange Frankfurt, Equinix Vienna, and BIX / Budapest Internet Exchange.
But obviously, the strategic direction and shaping of the company’s services wouldn’t have been possible without a solid team, with individual experiences of up to 25 years in telecommunications.
At infinilink, all technical expertise is in-house.
Regarding the infinilink team: did you develop all the expertise in-house, or do you also use external services?
At infinilink, all technical expertise is in-house. This means we have full control over the quality and speed of delivered services, and clients benefit from efficient and friendly assistance. The fact that we don’t have outsourced services makes us even more responsible to our clients.
[…] as more and more customers have entrusted us with their internal networks and IT infrastructure, we have succeeded in establishing standardized ICT services that deliver the quality and reliability our customers expect.
How did you decide to go beyond being an ISP and enter the IT-ICT field?
The decision to enter the ICT services field was a natural step, following requests from our clients to handle their internal networks. We realized that to serve them better, we needed to offer ICT services alongside traditional internet services.
Initially, we supported clients ad-hoc, on specific requirements; but as more clients entrusted us with their internal networks and IT infrastructure, we managed to establish standardized ICT services that provide the quality and reliability our clients expect.
What ICT services does infinilink offer and how do they help your clients?
Current ICT services include network infrastructure implementation and configuration, integration of various equipment and systems, cloud solutions, data management, and IT support. By offering these services, we ensure our clients benefit from an efficient and problem-free IT system that allows them to focus on their core activities. Our goal is to add value through reliable and customized ICT solutions that increase productivity and business performance.
…And then you grew into cybersecurity?
Once clients entrusted us with their internal networks and IT infrastructure, it was natural to support them in cybersecurity as well. By offering complete cybersecurity services, we protect our clients’ digital assets and ensure their data security and confidentiality.
With the increasing reliance on technology, clients’ businesses face constant cyber threats that target sensitive data, destabilize operations, and undermine end-user trust.
So cybersecurity is really important?
In today’s digital and business context, we believe cybersecurity is of paramount importance. With increasing dependence on technology, companies face constant cyber threats targeting sensitive data, destabilizing operations, and affecting end-user trust. A solid cybersecurity strategy protects against threats, reduces risks, and ensures business continuity.
What cybersecurity services do you offer to reduce client risks?
infinilink’s cybersecurity services cover an extensive range: from security system architecture; to communications and network security; to identity and access management; and to cybersecurity assessment, testing, and operations. The effect is clients’ peace of mind, allowing them to focus on their business knowing their digital assets are well protected.
Cyber security depends not only on technology, but also on user awareness and behavior.
Aceasta înseamnă că clienții trebuie să înțeleagă domeniul cybersecurity?
O parte importantă a abordării noastre este să ajutăm clienții să înțeleagă importanța securității cibernetice. Securitatea cibernetică nu depinde doar de tehnologie, ci și de conștientizarea și comportamentul utilizatorilor. Investim energie semnificativă în consilierea utilizatorilor finali (de exemplu personalul administrativ și tehnicienii), cât și a conducerii de vârf cu privire la impactul securității cibernetice. Le prezentăm bune practici și le facilităm luarea de decizii inteligente, care fac ca cybersecurity să devină o prioritate în cadrul organizațiilor lor.
…Which implies that infinilink’s technical staff is very well prepared to support cybersecurity consulting services?
Our employees’ training and development are supported by a culture of continuous learning. infinilink’s internal lab allows us to continuously test and evaluate new equipment and services, ensuring we remain at the forefront of technology. All this results in a continuous innovation process and client satisfaction.
infinilink becomes a “one-stop shop” for ISP, ICT and cybersecurity services – leading to streamlined processes and increased efficiency.
All these services seem to complement each other?
Indeed, infinilink is becoming a “one–stop shop” provider of ISP, ICT, and cybersecurity services – resulting in optimized communications, simplified processes, and increased efficiency.
For clients, it’s important to have a trusted partner who knows their entire digital infrastructure and can provide end-to-end solutions. With infinilink as a single point of contact, clients get consistent quality, operational efficiency, perfect coordination, and very rapid support.
Can you give us an example of your impact on clients?
Of course, we have countless success stories. In most cases, these are companies wanting to build or rebuild their network, with security optimization, while maintaining operations. Our solutions not only cover all these requirements but actually prepare clients for future business growth and ICT and cybersecurity infrastructure expansion.
Earlier we referred to the importance of continuous education for infinilink employees, but partnerships with industry leaders are equally important: Dell and Microsoft provide top equipment and licensing solutions; and through Palo Alto and Fortinet, our clients have access to advanced, reliable, and customizable security solutions.
“infinilink” expresses unlimited connectivity and continuous innovation.
What were the reasons behind rebranding Interlink Banat to infinilink and how does it align with the company’s growth?
The rebranding of Interlink Banat is exactly the result of the company’s continuous growth. By adopting a new identity, we wanted to express our position as a trusted partner that goes beyond traditional ISP services. The rebranding process allowed us to refine our messages, create a unique visual identity, and better communicate a complete service offering that meets our clients’ changing needs.
For example, we believe the name “infinilink” expresses unlimited connectivity and continuous innovation. And the logo represents the interconnectivity of services that support our clients’ digital transformation.
What are infinilink’s future plans, and where do you see the company in a few years?
Of course, at infinilink we have big plans for the future! We believe three key aspects will have a significant impact: developing internal innovation culture; expanding service offerings and creating synergies; and continuous quality improvement. Our fundamental purpose has been and remains supporting clients to succeed in the digital age.