Case study

TISAX Certification: Race against time for automotive industry compliance

When our client, a major player in the automotive supply chain, faced the potential loss of a multi-million dollar contract due to lack of TISAX certification, they turned to Infinilink for urgent guidance.

This case study explores how Infinilink successfully guided the client through TISAX certification in record time, securing their business and enhancing their market position.

What is TISAX

TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) | | is a standardized assessment and exchange mechanism for information security.

It ensures that companies handling sensitive information meet strict security standards. It covers multiple aspects of information security, including data protection, cybersecurity, and physical security measures.

For automotive suppliers, TISAX certification is often a prerequisite for doing business with major manufacturers, as it guarantees a consistent level of information security across the supply chain.


In the specific case of infinilink’s client, the TISAX implementation presented multiple challenges:

1. Racing against the clock

With only six months to get their TISAX certification –a process that typically takes much longer– our client faced intense time pressure.

2. Organization-wide impact

TISAX certification touched every corner of the organization, from the HR department handling sensitive employee data to the facilities team managing physical security.

3. Employee push-back

Many employees saw TISAX as just another corporate hoop to jump through, not understanding that their jobs literally depended on it.

4. Limited expertise within the client company

No one in the Romanian branch of the client company had any experience with TISAX requirements, which created a steep learning curve.

Key implementation steps

Infinilink guided the client through several crucial steps:

1. Information Flow Mapping

We dove deep into the organization’s information ecosystem. We traced every piece of data, from its creation to its final destination, asking questions like “Who needs to see this?” and “How sensitive is this information?” The goal: create a comprehensive map that showed exactly who had access to what information and why.

2. Physical Security Enhancements

To bring the facility’s information security to TISAX standards, but without impacting the necessary freedoms of the employees, we recommended multiple measures. A color-coded access zone system acts like a traffic light system for security. The motion sensors ensure that sensitive areas were truly secure. Last but not least, the fire safety system was upgraded – because protecting information doesn’t matter much if the building burns down.

3. Document Protection

Printed documents are a category of their own, because they are necessary understood as informational assets. We therefore established new document handling procedures that treated sensitive information with the appropriate care. But also, we suggested high-security shredders that could turn confidential documents -almost- into confetti.

4. Access Control

We guided the upgrade of existing systems for managing personnel and visitors: it became less about just knowing who’s in the building and more about ensuring the right people were in the right places at the right times. By integrating with the color-coded zones, an employee’s badge would only grant access to the areas they needed for their job. For visitors, we upgraded the system to be both welcoming and secure.

5. Risk Assessment

We had to imagine every possible threat, from the mundane to the outlandish. Earthquakes? Check. Cyber attacks? Definitely. Disgruntled employee selling secrets? Unfortunately, yes. We even considered scenarios like aircraft accidents near the facility. For each potential threat, we calculated the risk and potential impact on production and information security. It was a sobering exercise, but it allowed us to develop robust contingency plans for almost any situation.

6. Continuous Training

We didn’t just want to train employees about security; we wanted to make it part of the company’s DNA, therefore we developed ongoing security awareness programs that were engaging and relevant. As a result, security become second nature: employees started thinking about information protection as naturally as they think about locking their car when they leave it.

7. Information Asset Management

We guided the client on how to effectively manage their information assets. This involved implementing robust security and protection measures, establishing a continuous review process, and introducing new protection methods. We helped the client company understand that information assets require constant attention to maintain their integrity and value.

Results and impact

TISAX certification in record time

We didn’t just meet the deadline; we smashed it. Reaching TISAX certification readiness in 3-4 months was like running a marathon in national record time.

Saved the Big Contract

By achieving TISAX certification, our client safeguarded a multi-million dollar contract that was the lifeblood of their business.

Enhanced market position

Once listed on the TISAX platform, our client was suddenly not just another supplier. It is now a certified, security-conscious partner for any automotive company – and it has open doors for new business opportunities.

Security transformation

The information security upgrades didn’t just tick boxes for certification; they transformed the entire organization’s approach to security, from the server room to the reception desk.

Culture of continuous improvement

One of the most lasting impact was the shift in mindset: now security isn’t a one-and-done project anymore; it became an ongoing journey of improvement.


Infinilink’s expertise in guiding organizations through high-complexity changes was key to the success of this TISAX certification project.

By providing strategic advice, change management guidance, and technical insights, Infinilink not only helped the client achieve certification but also enhanced their overall security posture and market competitiveness.

Is your automotive business facing similar security challenges or seeking TISAX certification? Don’t let information security concerns jeopardize your crucial contracts or limit your growth potential. At Infinilink, we specialize in guiding companies through complex security implementations, including TISAX certification, with efficiency and expertise.

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