Case study
ICT infrastructure for finance
For an international non-bank financial institution client, we rebuilt the entire ICT infrastructure when relocating to a new office. We have achieved a flawless transition and are now managing the ICT system according to customer requirements and standards.
Status quo
The ICT needs of international companies in the non-bank financial institutions sector can vary depending on the size of the company and the business model and regulatory framework.
In this specific case, together with the client company, we defined the ICT priorities as:
- High uptime for the whole system and for each user;
- Maximum database security;
- Flawless security of the end customers’ personal data;
- Ensuring functionality for third-party software solutions.
1. High uptime for the whole system and for each user:As the client company call centre is the backbone of operations, it is extremely important that the ICT infrastructure ensures a high level of uptime for the entire system as well as for each individual agent under high call volume conditions.
Outcome: End customers have access to services at any time, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, costs have been reduced under conditions of increased productivity.
2. Maximum database security: Data security is a critical aspect of operations: no data can leave the company, including as attachments, copying to sticks and other means. To ensure compliance with this requirement, our team implemented strict security protocols and technologies that restricted the transfer of data to the public.
Outcome: Robust data security infrastructure enhances the reputation of the client company and reduces the risk of financial and legal repercussions.
3. Flawless security of the end customers’ personal data: Because our client processes end-customers’ personal data, we have ensured that their data is perfectly secure and that no unauthorised access can compromise the client’s operations or its customers’ privacy.
Outcome: compliance with data protection regulations as well as increased end-customer trust and loyalty.
4. Ensuring functionality for third-party software solutions: We integrated the client’s required software solutions into the ICT infrastructure and ensured that operations ran smoothly and without interruption.
Outcome: The client company has access to the latest tools and technologies to improve productivity and streamline business processes.
Used technologies
As part of the project, we have used several cutting-edge technologies to provide the client company with a customised ICT infrastructure that meets its specific needs:
ICT equipment, virtual machines and applications: the customer has access to the latest hardware and software solutions, allowing them to optimise operations and productivity.
Network equipment with management: ensures that the customer’s network is robust, scalable and can handle the high volume of data traffic generated by the customer.
Heterogeneous network with vendor mix: provides flexibility and adaptability to dynamic customer requirements.
Fixed and wireless access solutions: allows client’s employees to connect and collaborate remotely, ensuring ease of doing business.
Identity Access Management (IAM): optimises data security by ensuring that only authorised personnel can access sensitive data.
Integrated communications security management and solutions: we protect customer systems from cyber threats and potential attacks.
Integrated management of existing applications: allow the customer company to continue using existing tools and processes without interruption.
infinilink services and solutions
Our team performed several critical operations for a customer company, ensuring that the ICT infrastructure was optimized and tailored to the client’s specific requirements.
Internal network design (cabling, racks, switches, configurations, other equipment): provides the customer with a robust and scalable infrastructure that can handle high volumes of data traffic while ensuring minimal downtime. We worked closely with the customer to understand their specific needs and requirements and ensured that the network infrastructure was configured to meet their exact specifications.
Cybersecurity solution / next generation firewall: ensures your network and data are protected against cyber threats and attacks. The infinilink team configured the firewall to meet specific customer needs, providing granular control over network traffic.
Windows Server licensing, including at user/device level: the customer complies with licensing regulations, thus avoiding any possible legal or financial repercussions.
Data exfiltration solution: no data can leave the customer company without proper authorization. This improves data security and ensures that sensitive data is not exposed or stolen.
User Helpdesk: we provide technical support to users to ensure that problems are resolved quickly and efficiently. Our team works closely with the customer’s IT staff to understand their support needs and provides a customized solution to meet their specific requirements.
Interface to third-party vendor applications: client company staff can work seamlessly with third-party applications, increasing productivity and streamlining business processes.
Project management for troubleshooting third-party applications: any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently, and the customer can seamlessly use most of the tools and technologies they need.
Interconnecting industrial machinery, upgrading IT infrastructure, training employees and providing IT procurement guidance has had a significant positive impact on a client company: resulting in increased efficiency, cost savings and improved productivity.
Want to know more? Please contact us at [email protected], or fill in the free evaluation form for your ICT project..